zondag 24 mei 2015

Its raining Mice

All my troubles seemed so far away
But now: paaaaaaaaartyyyyyyyyyy!

The world has never been more pink than today. Mommy what are you hip today. It is so funky what I have been thinking of, you never believe it. And am not going to tell you either.

I always and  also recentelijk thought that touch was the latest of all senses. I had this idea about touching. Old hand young hand. You know, the painting, just restored somewhere in Italy. Printed manymany times. Spread all over the world. Artist and their fingerspitzengefühl. Pianists and their Black and white ivory sense for music. You can not imagine how wrong I was. Was I?

The secret is it happens all at the same time. Like a spider walking with six legs. Ask the spider: 'Which leg did you move first?' And see what happens ........too bad for the believers in progress. Circular web economy is dominant now. All my efforts to walk the nortpole, year in year out, has been rewarded by the funiest, icecreamhugging, very nearby Mouse of the River. The River Aa, YES. the Rivera you wish, darling.
Mouse, you follow, Mus with something round and something  ieeeeeeee. Probably about four musses will fit in this one. I am very looking forward. Next week we 'll meet again. Maybe we will even talk about the children then. The never borns. Their never heard names. Their never opened eyes. They were so small and so red. I remember now. Do 't cry for me, Middle East.

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