zaterdag 25 juli 2015


Do you want to sleep? Not from fatigue but because of the promise of dreams. Try all kinds of methods. Exhaust yourself. Then gather together to converse endlessly, to tell over and over for hours and hours the same jokes. Complicate to the limits of exasperation stories of the dead. Which is an endless game in which the historian asked if you want to tell your stories about ancestors and ancestress. When you answer yes, the historian would say that you were not asked to say yes, but whether you want it, you said no, the historian will tell you that you were not asked to say no, but whether you want the historian to remain silent, you are going to say nobody asked you to remain silent, but whether you want the historian to write the story of whom had passed, you could leave because the historian never asked you to leave and so on and on in a vicious circle that can go on for ever.
But doesn't need to, of course.

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