zaterdag 25 juli 2015


So strange to me
So accustomed to you
The dancers of Galili said it in
Open circle

Why oh way
Did you stop dancing
Play boss
On the beach
WhT happened
What happened while you were

So eager
Funny hungry testing trying
So beautiful
I cry inside for you
For your life
The hours to remain
A trillion I can't count

A square so it starts
Compatible multiplyable
And the the space phase comes in
Like lingers, slierts, throw away art moves
Again and again, again again
Niemand then
It grows it reads, it exists

The children
Why didn't they come
Why did they die
Why do I wear the five diamonds
No one can
Give you these answers
The truth is
One looks exactly like you
When you were seven

You don't believe me
Why should you
You didn't look
Forgot your glasses?
It ran away
The lookalike
Because of the fear
You know so well

The loss
Of control
You never have
Is not the answer
Nor solution
Trust you, yourself
The beauty
You already

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