woensdag 17 juni 2015


Dubdubdubdubdub dubdubdub.    Any time.
You asked me. What do you think of me. What a nerve! What? You are asking me? You have no idea of what I am! Do you? A digibesitas I answered, very rapidly. Something I do no more. Not any more. And it suits me. It makes me more myself. I know what I am! Why I gave you that answer? I never think something of anybody. I only feel a lot. So, in less than a second I remembered a conversation with red wine and a nice twentier about something that happend in Rome. You were there too, according to the talesperson. There was something with a device you seemed to be in charge of. BUT. It did not work the way you wanted it. It had a plug, so the story goes. In the end, the problem was plugging in. Acting to rapidly, forgetting the socket. A digibesitas could be characterized. Here Alpha, Beta calling. Grounded zero. Landing is permitted. How much time do you need?

Suppose, you are asking me the same question now. What do you think of me? I could describe what
I see when I study you, you walking, you talking, you sitting, you showing an immense world of compassion. I didn't recognize it in the first place. I did not look, too many distractions. Me, not able to recognize compassion. What would you think of me. Something I wouldn't care for if you were somebody else. What has bodylanguage do with this? A coach communication skills told me once. Eighty percent.

How now? Do I have to go south? It seems you know all about north- south axes. I would die for more knowledge. My curiosity will carry me as far as taste, despite the nineteenth century scientist and his smell research. I can be characterized as experimental.

For this summer I have this image in my mind. You don't know, but I am telling you now. I am an open water swimmer. With real tattoos and scars. The sharks are never far away. I found a way. I have developed a method, to smart them out. Or even better: to silence them. Yes, them. There are always with more than one. The protectionists. The ones which have something, some one to loose, they think. So many thinking misstakes are made in the world.......one could write a book about it.

Suppose you happen to be in the middle (place) of the middle (time). Suppose you and me share the same idea of space and time. Where would that be, do you think? And when?

I give you two clues: Circles in the sand. Circles in the former sea.

Off course I am inspired by Eco (1980), by Steven Hall (2007) and by you (Januari 2014). Say no more.

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