Let God look after you, my Mus, it is a huge honour to die for the Country. I stayed alongside you during your slow going battle, we were alone in the room, I saw my hands spooning you softening the pain, mus, you accepted it without grace and told me, I will let you alone now for a short time with your blurry world , top gun, my heart tells me we will meet again, soon, in the deptness of the underworld, I will be more bent and look like a mudcrawler by this poison and you are looking there for a place to rest your head, I tell you without a trace of respect, my professional, cause I can tell you now I never loved you like you think, but since the Maydays of the pilots, when I was struck by the faith to drop in your hands, playing and pleading you to be killed, it is not a violent act to let you pay for the life of orphanage you delivered me by flattening my feet so they became the same sleepwalkinglegs you seem to have, by forcing me to act in public you didn't dare yourself , and not because the country needs you alive like you used to say, but because the most famous hero freezes when he has to crown a beauty addict, without knowing from which side death will shoot him.
zondag 28 juni 2015
maandag 22 juni 2015
The military? Mus?
Order and discipline. Straight body and parts. Parts? Part! I read a book written by Tolstoy the other day. Normally/ in general I only read the text written by the author. I inherited the two volumes entiteld 'Anna Karenina' from my grandmother and grandfather belonging to the Sival en Baarda families. Beautiful volumes, the hardcovers in karmozin red, enriched with golden threads curving all over the cover. A golden ribbon for remembering the pages read. Including the names of my ancestors, in elegant and small handwriting. Done with pen and loose ink. Anna Karenina, woman of the flesh. Walking around with her favourite military person. Why would they have named me Anne Marie? Secondly and thirdly. To remind them of all their sisters? To remind me of military men? To remind me of my own flesh? Me, the complete person, walking circles. A perfect mathematical shape, a very worldy shape as well. A circle includes and excludes. Parents, they don't have a clue. They even couldn't come up with an original name for their daughters. They did for their son, their only son. The last child. Like I did. But then, the four daughters and sons before the last one didn't live longer than seven weeks. Unlikely my parents I don't exclude anybody. I have included you from the beginning. I walk circles, I have drawn so many circles, on paper. It is all invisible. Not material. I do not really need the material. Everyday I am fulfilled with the air I can breathe. The air being moved by you, beautiful Mus. Your breath, your sounds, your fortunately not so loudness, your thoughts, your knowlegde, your writings, your wit whispering to me.
zaterdag 20 juni 2015
Another interesting rose
Google on Ruby Rose
Go to : video's
Tab in first picture
Nice term: gender fluidity
Latin Luis
La sitiera he perdido contigo donde estabas tu? Mariposita de Primavera canta la sentimental. Ella y yo, no me vayas a enganar. No me llores mas veinte anos el hombre que yo Amerika. Siempre en mi corazon.
woensdag 17 juni 2015
It is time for rose peony by Bernd Eilts
All you need is................
Dubdubdubdubdub dubdubdub. Any time.
You asked me. What do you think of me. What a nerve! What? You are asking me? You have no idea of what I am! Do you? A digibesitas I answered, very rapidly. Something I do no more. Not any more. And it suits me. It makes me more myself. I know what I am! Why I gave you that answer? I never think something of anybody. I only feel a lot. So, in less than a second I remembered a conversation with red wine and a nice twentier about something that happend in Rome. You were there too, according to the talesperson. There was something with a device you seemed to be in charge of. BUT. It did not work the way you wanted it. It had a plug, so the story goes. In the end, the problem was plugging in. Acting to rapidly, forgetting the socket. A digibesitas could be characterized. Here Alpha, Beta calling. Grounded zero. Landing is permitted. How much time do you need?
Suppose, you are asking me the same question now. What do you think of me? I could describe what
I see when I study you, you walking, you talking, you sitting, you showing an immense world of compassion. I didn't recognize it in the first place. I did not look, too many distractions. Me, not able to recognize compassion. What would you think of me. Something I wouldn't care for if you were somebody else. What has bodylanguage do with this? A coach communication skills told me once. Eighty percent.
How now? Do I have to go south? It seems you know all about north- south axes. I would die for more knowledge. My curiosity will carry me as far as taste, despite the nineteenth century scientist and his smell research. I can be characterized as experimental.
For this summer I have this image in my mind. You don't know, but I am telling you now. I am an open water swimmer. With real tattoos and scars. The sharks are never far away. I found a way. I have developed a method, to smart them out. Or even better: to silence them. Yes, them. There are always with more than one. The protectionists. The ones which have something, some one to loose, they think. So many thinking misstakes are made in the world.......one could write a book about it.
Suppose you happen to be in the middle (place) of the middle (time). Suppose you and me share the same idea of space and time. Where would that be, do you think? And when?
I give you two clues: Circles in the sand. Circles in the former sea.
Off course I am inspired by Eco (1980), by Steven Hall (2007) and by you (Januari 2014). Say no more.
You asked me. What do you think of me. What a nerve! What? You are asking me? You have no idea of what I am! Do you? A digibesitas I answered, very rapidly. Something I do no more. Not any more. And it suits me. It makes me more myself. I know what I am! Why I gave you that answer? I never think something of anybody. I only feel a lot. So, in less than a second I remembered a conversation with red wine and a nice twentier about something that happend in Rome. You were there too, according to the talesperson. There was something with a device you seemed to be in charge of. BUT. It did not work the way you wanted it. It had a plug, so the story goes. In the end, the problem was plugging in. Acting to rapidly, forgetting the socket. A digibesitas could be characterized. Here Alpha, Beta calling. Grounded zero. Landing is permitted. How much time do you need?
Suppose, you are asking me the same question now. What do you think of me? I could describe what
I see when I study you, you walking, you talking, you sitting, you showing an immense world of compassion. I didn't recognize it in the first place. I did not look, too many distractions. Me, not able to recognize compassion. What would you think of me. Something I wouldn't care for if you were somebody else. What has bodylanguage do with this? A coach communication skills told me once. Eighty percent.
How now? Do I have to go south? It seems you know all about north- south axes. I would die for more knowledge. My curiosity will carry me as far as taste, despite the nineteenth century scientist and his smell research. I can be characterized as experimental.
For this summer I have this image in my mind. You don't know, but I am telling you now. I am an open water swimmer. With real tattoos and scars. The sharks are never far away. I found a way. I have developed a method, to smart them out. Or even better: to silence them. Yes, them. There are always with more than one. The protectionists. The ones which have something, some one to loose, they think. So many thinking misstakes are made in the world.......one could write a book about it.
Suppose you happen to be in the middle (place) of the middle (time). Suppose you and me share the same idea of space and time. Where would that be, do you think? And when?
I give you two clues: Circles in the sand. Circles in the former sea.
Off course I am inspired by Eco (1980), by Steven Hall (2007) and by you (Januari 2014). Say no more.
dinsdag 16 juni 2015
Weet je MUS
Weet je wel
Wie je bent
Als ik je onder mijn vergrootglazen leg
Dan zie ik
Ik hoor een brullend leeuwenland
Wat kijk je?
The remains of an Italian creation
Een gouden adelaar
How do I know you?
Shock. I was shocked
I felt a muscle fall
Gompert writes about it
A recognition makes over hours
This time no Mexit
J No way and J No escape
When all colours are united
The whitest of white
Are to be felt in your toes
Weet je wel
Wie je bent
Als ik je onder mijn vergrootglazen leg
Dan zie ik
Ik hoor een brullend leeuwenland
Wat kijk je?
The remains of an Italian creation
Een gouden adelaar
How do I know you?
Shock. I was shocked
I felt a muscle fall
Gompert writes about it
A recognition makes over hours
This time no Mexit
J No way and J No escape
When all colours are united
The whitest of white
Are to be felt in your toes
maandag 15 juni 2015
Mega mus
Nu het bijna zomer is
Verlang ik naar de herfst
De mooiste van alle jaren
Ik weet je houdt niet
Van de zee
Ze is er wel
En ook haar getijden
Volgens mij
Ben je lang
Gedepriveerd en geweest
Van het eb
Je veren zijn kleddernat
Mijn geluk is
Je berust niet
In het misverstand
1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3 4
Almost summertime now
Longing to autumn
Most beautiful of all
I know you
Don' t love the sea
She is there you know
As her tides
According to me
You have been deprived
An orphan is low
Drowned and soaked
I am so happy
No resting in peace
Understanding in the end
Verlang ik naar de herfst
De mooiste van alle jaren
Ik weet je houdt niet
Van de zee
Ze is er wel
En ook haar getijden
Volgens mij
Ben je lang
Gedepriveerd en geweest
Van het eb
Je veren zijn kleddernat
Mijn geluk is
Je berust niet
In het misverstand
1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3 4
Almost summertime now
Longing to autumn
Most beautiful of all
I know you
Don' t love the sea
She is there you know
As her tides
According to me
You have been deprived
An orphan is low
Drowned and soaked
I am so happy
No resting in peace
Understanding in the end
zondag 14 juni 2015
Hello WORLD here Arjen Boerstra
Arjen begint steeds meer op Vladimir Nabokov ( de schrijver ) te lijken. We schijnen allemaal alweer een dag ouder te zijn geworden
Te leuk om niet te delen.
Te leuk om niet te delen.
MUS or Mouse?
Strakke lijnen van toen
Rivieren, een delta, huizen en steden
Draaien abrupt honderdtachtig graden
Een open deur, ontsnapping
Er komt thee op negentig graden
Het gesprek moet nog beginnen
Samengaan van hoofd en hand
Een verwijzing naar een universum
Begint zich te ontvouwen
Lichte lijnen met grafieten punten
Tekenen een behoefte
Op de grens van hoog en laag
What might have been
Which is always present
Echoos and memories
Down the fields
Towards the doors
We shall open
Into the rose
My mind
To what purpose, aim
Disturbing the dust on pink leaves
I know.
Courtesy to Els & Eliot
Rivieren, een delta, huizen en steden
Draaien abrupt honderdtachtig graden
Een open deur, ontsnapping
Er komt thee op negentig graden
Het gesprek moet nog beginnen
Samengaan van hoofd en hand
Een verwijzing naar een universum
Begint zich te ontvouwen
Lichte lijnen met grafieten punten
Tekenen een behoefte
Op de grens van hoog en laag
What might have been
Which is always present
Echoos and memories
Down the fields
Towards the doors
We shall open
Into the rose
My mind
To what purpose, aim
Disturbing the dust on pink leaves
I know.
Courtesy to Els & Eliot
woensdag 10 juni 2015
South America flying
definition MUS is
male for Muze
Latin for Mose
.....Mose mus does not have a moment rest. The immediate reality fascinates him. It is becoming more fascinating than the sentimental universe of his memory. He is losing all the interest in the British literature, puts to rest the material that had become attended with years and years of reading. He goes back to being the man of earlier days when he had decided upon the layout of roads and the location of empty buildings so that no one would enjoy privileges that everyone did not have.
He will acquire such authority among the new arrivals that decisions would not be made without his being consulted.
male for Muze
Latin for Mose
.....Mose mus does not have a moment rest. The immediate reality fascinates him. It is becoming more fascinating than the sentimental universe of his memory. He is losing all the interest in the British literature, puts to rest the material that had become attended with years and years of reading. He goes back to being the man of earlier days when he had decided upon the layout of roads and the location of empty buildings so that no one would enjoy privileges that everyone did not have.
He will acquire such authority among the new arrivals that decisions would not be made without his being consulted.
dinsdag 9 juni 2015
MUS of the world
36 golden globes
Around the world
In a cirkel
I saw gou look at my right finger
You might think
This is about fidelity
For some one else
How wrong you are
Something in your eyes
Did I do something wrong
Will I ever understand
32 in the past
I am counting down
4 minus three
That leaves you
If you just
Asked me?
Around the world
In a cirkel
I saw gou look at my right finger
You might think
This is about fidelity
For some one else
How wrong you are
Something in your eyes
Did I do something wrong
Will I ever understand
32 in the past
I am counting down
4 minus three
That leaves you
If you just
Asked me?
maandag 8 juni 2015
sorry MUS nu Liesbeth Takken
Sorry MUS, dit was even te mooi!
Aardmonument 'Inner Circle' voor Symposion-Gorinchem
Artist: Liesbeth Takken
zondag 7 juni 2015
MUS next door
U la la
What a surprise
Perfect length
No, no no
No talking
Okay a bit
But no more
What happend to your hair?
Short fifties
Four months long
You are in the thirties now
My gift is a lettice
Young as poison
For in your cage
My vlamish rabbit
What a surprise
Perfect length
No, no no
No talking
Okay a bit
But no more
What happend to your hair?
Short fifties
Four months long
You are in the thirties now
My gift is a lettice
Young as poison
For in your cage
My vlamish rabbit
MR Bird is coming
Green point pink nails
Coetzee is never far away
Just, once a week
Structurally organised somewhere
Golden opportunities
Fiftytwo times a year
Fifty more years to go
The week of dreams has just began
The morning is mine
Vladimir is butterflying in my head
After midnight
I have to be at home
Knowing the fairytales
You know or understand
In between there is
Time for a new space
Fit for the pain
That is what she said
I felt it
When I saw you touching a little brown diamanted fur
And again I did' t see it coming
Unprepaired for all this giving
Trying to find words
In loads and loads of Spanish red
It is time to fly
My wings look like chicken
Jumping up and up
He is coming to town
Coetzee is never far away
Just, once a week
Structurally organised somewhere
Golden opportunities
Fiftytwo times a year
Fifty more years to go
The week of dreams has just began
The morning is mine
Vladimir is butterflying in my head
After midnight
I have to be at home
Knowing the fairytales
You know or understand
In between there is
Time for a new space
Fit for the pain
That is what she said
I felt it
When I saw you touching a little brown diamanted fur
And again I did' t see it coming
Unprepaired for all this giving
Trying to find words
In loads and loads of Spanish red
It is time to fly
My wings look like chicken
Jumping up and up
He is coming to town
vrijdag 5 juni 2015
It is the same as one year ago. Being intellectual longing for the sight of softness. Your skin is so smooth. Everybody notices that Seeing you for the first time. You asked: Why? Do they do that.
Took my breath away. An image in my head. A picture in my phone. You. Delicious memory. Blurred white and blue.
When do you come over?
We could swallow.
Now, I can start the day.
dinsdag 2 juni 2015
A second of June 2015
Speciale for you
I am wearing pink and green
Henry henry remember
More and more
Of twothousand and one
This late morning
The last match
Was used
To ingnite the candle rabbit
Seeing it, burning out
A flame, a wake warming
Rosemary, rosemary,
The weed, the herb
In the end, the end
You shall smell my hand
I am wearing pink and green
Henry henry remember
More and more
Of twothousand and one
This late morning
The last match
Was used
To ingnite the candle rabbit
Seeing it, burning out
A flame, a wake warming
Rosemary, rosemary,
The weed, the herb
In the end, the end
You shall smell my hand
maandag 1 juni 2015
When the Mouse is away let's play
Mouse, little mousy, moosypoosy
Where are you?
The wind has come
From the North
Blowing, blowing, sighing
As a rat, trapped
Memories of Mr. Mouse
Are startling my grey inner parts
I love to play
Like a dog
Lying on my back
Looking at the clouds hunting by
A little white mouse
Is playing its tablet
I am the genius
Where are you?
The wind has come
From the North
Blowing, blowing, sighing
As a rat, trapped
Memories of Mr. Mouse
Are startling my grey inner parts
I love to play
Like a dog
Lying on my back
Looking at the clouds hunting by
A little white mouse
Is playing its tablet
I am the genius
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