maandag 22 december 2014

A big leap from before zero to 2015

THE last page was then, inspirerend on THE world of Ilias, written down by homerus, about x years ago.

Now, anno 2014, a funky girl drew

Als kind verwacht je toch dat je later wel ergens aan de slag kan als held, Loesje

Being a KID you might think you can work as a Hero, somewhere, sometime, when you have grown up,

Dealing with the world, last page

Pink and red coloured THE new day through THE lovely fingers of Eos. Le Peuple gathered themselves around THE pallet place where the new hero had his wel carved, almost designed, wooden throne. All THE hero's friends started collect THE white burned bones. Giant years covered their faces.

A long line of Black moving garments shaped THE road back to the city. At Night a happy meal was prepared for THE mourning men, in One of THE palaces of father Mac.

Say godbye now.

donderdag 18 december 2014

Dealing with THE world, page four

We all agreed upon this. Always in honour of THE priestess, our leadress. If we only wanted to learn.Think, do, feel, play, live. How could we possibly resist this very tempting change of ponds.

Agakees didn't want to Hear no more. Spitting out words full of hatred: You old and grey fool, be alarmed! Don't show yourself among THE ships. I exclude you from all of us, right now. Flee! No protection will accompany you. And don't you dare come back. Your daughter will never be yours, ever. She is mine and after a long long time she will pas away from old age.
You! Go now! If you want to stay alive.

I still have mercy on you.

woensdag 17 december 2014

Dealing with THE world, page 3

Page 3

Nobel' sons and you, new heroes of THE Danes. All three of you have been given the guarantee to walk home safely. But Only after you have accomplished your mission. THE decay of THE nortpole, THE kingdom of Fish, THE home of Nanouk.

I demand you to handover my child. I demand you to accept THE money I am offering you.
Just do iT, to honour Darwin.
I beg you, Just do iT and please try to avoid THE guns

zondag 14 december 2014

Dealing with THE world, page two

Dealing with THE world.

Whom of THE leading men continued THE contemporary heated debate? Tony, Son of THE people, is iT. Still not outraged. Deep felt hatred against THE real KING, Agakees, is threathening T and his party, offering THE so called peacekeepers THE most luxurieus green spaces. THE fields after life, far way from THE physical and smelly blood fields.

THE KING insulted THE high priestess of WORK. He was invited in Europe, where he spoke of MONEY, in THE meanwhile he, looked upon as THE ultimate T rex, made Jokes only THE British can and really understand. Only they think THEY are in charge of THE concept. THE under dogs! In THE spacIous meeting room, male and female vultures laughed protecting their daughters by rising their wings, grasping THE last dollars in their claws. Oily green pieces of paper, where THE free  world has been printed on as one world. But that was in a century before.

So, Dear children, listen very carefully.

Who is THE heroïne today who dares rising THE golden stick. Jeanne! Jeanine. She, THE Sheila, iT is her, controlling and commanding THE two big old fat sons Democrateus and Populismeus, THE frontmen of THE global army.

vrijdag 12 december 2014

Dealingroom with THE world, page one

Dealing with THE world.

Tell me. Mijnske, speak of THE remorse of THE British. Great disaster on THE Dutch  has derived from them. Numerous brave men and women were shipped up and down THE Thames. Rats and eagles fed themselves on their corpses. All because of Tony, iT was him and his power.

Dear Mijnske, begin telling us, your audience, your chorus, About THE deals between Agakees, THE king of money and of Aphrodite, THE most adorable daughter.

Speak, Mijnske, loud , for All of us. So everyone can Hear and try to understand THE great tragedy that waits for us. THE great sorrow that lies before us. Us, THE mortals. We, your listeners.

To be continued............

woensdag 10 december 2014

Can you do Better than this?

Float after Arrival to WORK and take THE next touch to HIDING PLACES

No thanks
You are welcome
I love you

dinsdag 9 december 2014

What is soon?

2001 revisited.

THE surprise of my kitchentable.

In between THE kitchentables of Annelies den Besten were published Here ( 2012)
All her kitchentables are to be viewed on her website now

2014 December



When I was young I had a private music teacher
Madame Cupery
She lived across THE lane in another part of THE village
I donT remember much of her
I cant remember if I ever touched her
Did I ever Hug her?
I really cannot recall her smell
People always have all sorts of sensitive, comfortable memories
Warm memories they can Breathe to live again
Not me.
I can see her from a distance
I see her now sitting next to me
In another Seat in THE musichall by Herman Hertzberger thirtyseven years ago
Her fingers demanding THE ivory strips to produce sounds
She made warm waterbaths for my frozen fingers in wintertimes
And compliments About my technique
More feelings Mijnske give iT more

I still love her abundantly

vrijdag 5 december 2014

Good Bye Love


Nergens leefbare zo intens als aan de rand van de doodm mkp '
Als je kanker hebt gehad heb je geeZin in oorlog
Better to create What I create I can.     M,.lll.lijjiuygtrrwasdxznnipoyi tv th by. Yb.
Turfgrond vlucht c.  Rh.   C
I try so many Horus to understand
What I cannot create I cannot understand
I can can I?

Hofstadter wrote  About THE core business of thinking
Thinking is making analogues hè let domeinen Else write down
How could he say something like that
THE core is as invisible as air
So sensuelers such a thinking misstake
Perhaps their are Some wooden words leeft behind
Fresh fresh feeling fresh
Now even fresher lucky me.

Snappy snoop de dood ingejaagd door mijn ijzeren
Dominante wil
Het beschikken zal altijd zegevieren
De as van gisteren is het poeder voor vanavond
Ik inhaleer nog eens goed
Fris fris voelen fris
Worden altijd fris, lucky me
