woensdag 14 december 2011


ArtpArty no.1: OUD&NIEUW

1 jan. 2012 om 01.00 uur 

adres: OLE ( CIBOGA) / Kolendrift 10/ loveseatpaviljoen?stadGroningen ( t/o Boterdiep 10)

geschikt voor : nachtbrakers, nachtwandelaars en vuurtjestokers 

vrijdag 2 december 2011

een handreiking

there is this question of being an artist and at the same time being a political person.
 I am a member of a cultural globalized community as soon as I am or my work is in public.
 I can make my own decisions and choose any theme I like.
That’s my freedom, that’s our freedom. That’s my autonomy, that’s your autonomy.
So in the heart everybody is an artist, only a few of us really act like one.